Drug and alcohol addiction is a progressive and debilitating disease that affects the entire family. If you are dealing with a family member who is struggling with addiction, you are no doubt feeling confused, scared and overwhelmed. You need to seek professional help, but you may not know where to turn to or whom to talk to. Without this critical support, the prospects of losing a loved one to addiction become very real.
While you may feel that help is out of reach, Florida Marchman Act Services provides the critical support and compassion when you need it the most. No matter the severity of your family member’s addiction, our experienced staff has the resources that bring forth healing and restore hope. Our Marchman Act services in Florida not only bring your family into treatment; they help you experience the joys of lifelong recovery.
Helping Families Bring Their Loved Ones Into Treatment and Recovery
As a family of an addicted loved one, you have tried many approaches to get them the help they need. You have tried anything from tough love to counseling and even drug treatment; only to have your efforts fall short. While you may feel you have exhausted all of your options, the experienced professionals at Florida Marchman Act Services can help. Utilizing legal intervention as well as other intervention services in Florida, we can bring your loved one into the treatment process and help them get stabilized and on their way towards recovery.
How Can A Marchman Act Help Me?
If you are not familiar with the Marchman Act in Florida, is a civil procedure that allows the friends or family of an addict to confidentially petition the court to obtain court-ordered assessment as well as stabilization and long term treatment services. These services can benefit those who are addicted to alcohol, prescription medications and illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin.
The Marchman Law in Florida was created to help individuals who have lost control of their addiction and cannot stop on their own. The Florida Marchman Law also helps those who are unable to care for themselves and have become a danger to themselves, their loved ones and the community at large. Additionally, this law helps those addicted to drugs who may have not completed drug treatment successfully in the past or who simply refuse treatment.
With our Marchman Act services in Florida, we can generate a court order that requires your addicted loved one to enter a drug and alcohol assessment and ultimately intensive treatment. The greatest benefit of this law is the fact the addict MUST comply with any assessment or treatment order. If an individual fails to comply, they will face significant legal consequences. Any sanctions or consequences can only be avoided when your loved one successfully completes treatment and takes continued and meaningful steps to strengthen their sobriety.
Florida Marchman Act Services utilize this important law to help the addict get the professional help and support they need. Additionally, our Marchman services in Florida provides the resources family and friends need to get their lives and health back on track. By helping the whole family unit heal, it provides a strong environment for the recovering addict to grow in their recovery.
Do I Need An Intervention?
While the Marchman Law in Florida can be a critical tool in helping those addicted to drugs and alcohol get sober, there may be additional resources that are needed to get someone to treatment. Oftentimes, the substance abuser is the last person to understand how addiction has impacted their lives and the lives of others. To get the addict to treatment, they often become hesitant and even combative when treatment is mentioned. Florida Marchman Act Services fully understands this issue and offers families professional intervention services that provide both the addict and family the support they need to understand the importance of treatment.
As a family who is struggling with drug addiction, you may have thought about using an intervention but are hesitant to use this option. You may have tried staging an intervention on your own and was unsuccessful. or you simply didn’t know where to turn for sound advice. When you contact Florida Marchman Services, you can talk to one of our experienced professionals about our Florida intervention services.
An intervention requires great thought and professional assistance, and we can help. If you are unsure if an intervention would be a solid first step, contact our Marchman intervention team for a comprehensive and confidential assessment. When you meet with our experienced Florida intervention team, we will take the time to understand your unique situation and determine if an intervention would be the best option for you.
No matter the outcome of the evaluation, Florida Marchman Act Services will work with you every step of the way to ensure that both your loved one and your family receive the quality care and support you need. We realize that addiction affects everyone differently, so our services are highly adaptive and sensitive to any situation. We treat both the addict and the family with respect and compassion. Above all, our services are completely confidential.
Don’t wait for a loved one’s addiction to grow worse. Call us today at 888-513-1189 to speak with one of our representatives.